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Company Registration Number

The Number that describes the type of company means its nature of business, deals in, form of company and many more where it also constitutes the registration number. It plays a vital in the competitive corporate sector where every day numbers of companies have been registered under the New Companies Act 2013 this number named company registration number depicts the status of company with its relative attributes.

The company registration number is also known by CIN number that means identification number that used to identify the company in respect of its type, year of incorporation, state of registration, type of industry, registration numbers and many more. Company registration number is a kind of code that's an amalgamation of several kinds of company's attributes.

Company Registration Number Format

Company registration number is of 21 digits that comprised of :
  • 1st digit : The first digit out of 21 symbolic with L or U for listed or unlisted company.
  • Next 5 digits : The next five digits show the industry to which company belongs to. From these five digits one can easily learn about the type of company deals in.
  • Next 2 digits : The next two digits depict the state to which the company has been registered. It is the state code that tag with the company after getting registration; like DL for Delhi, MH for Maharashtra, UP for Uttar Pradesh and so on.
  • Next 4 digits : The next four digits depicts the year when the company is being incorporated. It is the year of incorporation when the respective company is formed under the New Companies Act 2013 India.
  • Next 3 digit : From these 3 digits one can easily known whether the company is Public limited company PLC or Private limited company that is PTC whereas is case of branch office of foreign company is depicted by FTC.
  • Last 6 digits : These six digits is of ROC number issued by ROC during the registration of company.
Thus, company registration number which is also known by CIN not only makes a set of unique digits but also comprised of detail information about the company means the type of company, when it got incorporated, state of registration and many more. Thus, if you want to search CIN number of your company just contact us +91-8800-100-284 at or mail us where we assist you to get details about the same.