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Company Trademark Registration in India

Trademark is any of the sign or symbol that is being used to distinguish one manufacture to another of similar themes. Trademark a term that used to depict the domain source of the particular products and services; mean to say original company or firm behind the respective services. Earlier, the trends of designing a trademark was not so advanced; the way is now carrying out; In these days of high competitive corporate word;

company trademark registration can be of several types like :
  • Sound - Many services and products together with wording their sound and spoken wordings can also be registered as trademark.
  • Sight - This is one of the well known and most favorable forms of trademark that covers images, text, wording, phase, numeric, flash, colors, strings and many more.
  • Touch - It is a form of trademark that includes product configuration.
  • Smell - Many times a part of fragrances can also be registered as trademark along with the name.

All these above categories are widely used to be registered as trademark. As with due time; the trends and acts of trademark in India have been reformed with numerous amendments. These open doors for new forms of business marks and trade symbols that can be followed as company trademark registration.

How to Register a Trademark for a Company Name and Logo

Any of the sign or logo or any form of industrial design that have capabilities to represent the business or company across the world can be registered as trademark. If you are seeking to register your company name or logo as trademark then it is necessary to follow the complete company trademark registration process in India. Here below we bring you with complete phase or steps then define how to register a trademark for a company name and logo.
  1. First get select your type of trademark.
  2. Then, go for trademark search in order to check the originality of the same.
  3. After confirming about trademark originality of proposed trademark do file an application to the Registrar Office of Trademark in India.
  4. The proposed trademark is then put under the verification phase where it is being checked for any duplication or any error.
  5. If the application doesn't have a default, without any duplication or having no objection then it finally pass for trademark registration; where the owner can apply for the certification for the same.
Call at +91-8800-100-284 or mail at and get assisted by trademark experts and IPR professionals with complete services in trademark, copyright and patent.